Performaning in a large the degrees are not only fun, but also Folk songs and instrumental melodies, be the pressing need of performing a variety of functions related to the family life (marriage, work, leisure), and the phenomena of nature, beliefs, it was with the most different subjects and in different forms. Music genres, images, forms of performance, the expressive means in the music folklore constantly interact with specificity, the uniqueness of each specific local manifestations. Musical folklore in Kashkadarya historical and cultural context is different variety of genres and musical- stylistic signs, kind tools and traditional forms of music-making. Among them as a ritual, lullabies, labour songs, folk epic tales dastans, and so instrumental original music by Chang-кобузе, домбровые tunes, catchy melodies on сибизги and чупон Nahe, a kind of dance rhythms of percussion instruments. When this historical, social and the economic conditions of life in the region contributed to the formation of a certain inter-ethnic and inter-ethnic communication and a common musical heritage of the the peoples inhabiting this region: several centuries have here live Uzbeks, Tajiks, Arabs, the Turkmen and the representatives of other nationalities. The success of Amateur music movement demonstrated on numerous festivals and competitions of Republican and international scale, on national holidays Navruz and independence square. Achievements indisputable, and the performance level of many folklore ensembles surprises and happy. In almost all areas Kashkadarya region there are folk ensembles, a number of them awarded the title of “folk ensemble”. Among them are “Chirokchi чироклари” Чиракчинского, “Момогул” Qarshi and “Занжирсарой” Mubarak- economic areas. Great fame found ensembles “Arab гуллари” of the city Karshi, “Бешкарсак” and “Чаманзор” Шахрисабзского, “Сабогул” Kitab, “Махаллада Duv-Duv ran” Kamashinsky, “Фарзона”, “Бустон” and “OMON er” Casa- Skog, “al-Arabiya” Миришкарского, “Gulrukh” Of Guzar, “Нурафшон” Nishan, “Нозиргул” Яккабагского areas. Ensembles contribute to the the preservation of the rites and customs, and in General – in the development of traditional folk art. It is folklore- ethnographic ensembles contribute to the attached to the high art, the saturation of the everyday music life, reviving the natural musical communication on the material and in the spirit of local musical traditions. Characteristic the trend in these groups is the desire to create own repertoire with the traditional culture, first of all local folk traditions, in particular, the Kashkadarya. Halyk f o l l a l o R n o – ethnographic ensemble “Chirokchi чироклари” was created in 1988 with the House culture Чиракчинского district of Kashkadarya area. Initially, he called “Ufori” (the real name of the – since 1994). Special popularity at the audience at that time won the men’s folk dance “Ufori” (уфар – song and dance genre), as well as final vocal works sections of maqom art). The organizer of the ensemble was Махкам- Tosh Kayumov, a passionate and expert in connoisseurs of folklore. It combined the a team of more than 40 people – men and older women, who fond of folk songs and dancing and were to a certain extent familiar with the local folklore. In many staff helped and Director of the The house of culture of Burkhan Mamatov, which was repertoire, was engaged in the processing of folklore material. Special attention was paid to the folk rites, conservation of local music dialect, musical traditions. Repertoire composed of excerpts and thermo (musical-poetic genre folk tales) of the Dastan “Алпамыш” and “Mountains oglu”, ceremonial songs – “Torment the” (triumph of мечал, i.e., the twelve- the annual East cycle), “TUI- туйларга улашсин” (With the wedding wedding join), “TUI Mubarak” (congratulations with the wedding), labour – “Kush хайдаш” (Harnessing of oxen), “Maida” (Crushing), lullabies – “Alla”; popular people’s mass songs “OMON er”, “Атиргул” (rose), “Оккина когоз пириллар” (the Rustle of bleached the paper), “Чирокчининг кургони” (burial Mounds Чиракчи) and others. The originality of performance is the use of the repertoire of the the ensemble of the art of folk narrators with their guttural manner of singing in interpretation Шомурода bakhshi Тогаева (excerpts from the epos “Алпамыш”, and also tunes of bakhshi – “bakhshi kui,” and Terma), awarded in the years of independence the honorary title “people’s bakhshi Uzbekistan”. Among the oldest participants of the ensemble – Тошой Momo Хайитова – the performer of folk songs and tunes on the Chang-кобузе. Popular theatrical performances ensemble “TUI маросими” (Wedding rite),
“Chirokchi чироклари” (Lights Чиракчи), “Chirokchi Momo” (Granny Чиракчи), “Navruz”, etc., where, along with folk rituals significant the place occupied by such samples of the song creativity, like wedding “TUI Muborak” (greeting), “Er-er” (шественно- величальные), “Хазор Ali” (Bow the bride), “Кутлов” (Greeting), lullabies “Alla”, calendar “Navruz”, “Сумалак”, “Бойчечак” (Snowdrop), labour “Mehnat кушиклари” (Song of labour), household “Plov”, “Дугона” (Girlfriend), “The OMON OMON булди” (Everything was good), лапары (song of songs, dialogues), modern songs, devoted to the Motherland, Kashkadarya, the native land “Суйла думбирам” (Sing, my dombra), “Chirokchi Momo” (Granny Чиракчи), “Думбирам” (My dombra), “O’zbekiston”, “Тошкучанинг Yullari” (Road Ташкуча), “Чирокчининг кургони” (Кургани Чиракчи) and others. Among performers Hambro Muradova, Чинни Тоштемирова, Кучкар Kurbanov, Абдураззак Toshev. The ensemble successfully took part in such contests and festivals, as “Мархабо talantlar – 1995″, “Chashma-94″, “Boysun bahori”, “Asrlar sadosi, in the anniversary events, dedicated to the historical individuals, as Amir Temur, al Fergani, as well as the cities of Khiva, Shahrisabz. The people’s folklore and ethno- graphic ensemble “Момогул” established in 1988, the House of culture Karshi district. The initiator and his head was Момогул Akhmedova, the profession of the crane operator. She – a great connoisseur of folk art and a wonderful singer folk songs. In her repertoire as traditional and contemporary songs. Момогул Akhmedova involved in ensemble women mahalla, with whom learned ancient folk songs. This M. Саатова, T. Зайдуллаева, And. Mamatov, M. Jabbarov, P. Тоштемирова, L. Charyev, X. Эгамбердыева, N. Ganieva, N. Babaeva, X. Gaybullaeva, Str. Alibekova. Music the head and processing songs engaged in Мейли Turakulov. Soul the ensemble was Момогул Ahmedova, and the hallmark of the collective was the the song “Момогул” (Female flower). In the ensemble’s repertoire strong place took such folk songs, as “Alla” (lullaby), “TUI маросими” (Wedding ceremony), “Er-er”, “OMON er”, “Нозиргул” (girl’s name), “Онажоним” (My dear mother), “Чойнак ракси” (Dance with kettles), “basket ракси” (Dance with spoons), “Беллари тасмадак- Keane” (a Favorite with a thin waist), “Ho, Leila” (Oh, Leila), etc., preserved ancient legends, rituals, history the native land, the local music the tradition. The songs were accompanied by the game on doira and Chang-кобузе. The ensemble took participation in the celebration of Navruz and Мустакиллика in Tashkent, in folklore festivals in Turkmenistan and Germany, Republican contests of folklore ensembles. In 1995 was created folklore- ethnographic ensemble “Занжирса- Roy”, immediately won popularity his attitude to folklore traditions. Its head is Фазыл Мадиев. In the ensemble, together with the representatives of the older generation takes the participation of young people. The main objective of the team is to preserve and revive folk
ceremonies and musical traditions Kashkadarya. Hence the peculiar to her repertoire, where traditional the songs are combined with modern folk songs and dances. In their including “Согинч” (Grieving for you), “Кизги- the” (Girl), “Yerim Mani” (My darling), “Совчилик” (Matchmaking), “Kashkadarya Eli” (my Region, Kashka- Darya). A special place in the repertoire of the the ensemble occupy the song genres Lopar, koshuk, of the term. The ensemble of the party national holidays, the commemorative events, folklore competitions and festivals. In 2007. the collective was awarded the title of “Halyk the folklore ensemble”. Many of the folk-lore ethnographic ensembles on the ground – an inexhaustible source of music activity. Among its participants – the bearers of the authentic music heritage of Uzbekistan. And the participation in these ensembles enables young people to not only preserve folk traditions, but to master the principles of interpretation of music-making, in particular, local features of the folk grant the government. The activity of folklore ensembles on the ground support local local music traditions which developed in the basis of long-term stable personal contacts of participants of the creative of folk groups.
Mahbub Ismailova, Shrod Abdullaev