Sanat • 01/07/2009 • Issue #3 • 1678
Vera Josan. Around the Artists. Tashkent, 2009.
Notes of Vera Josan are the memoirs of an artist’s wife. The book consists of short chapters that imaginatively tell about Samarqand in 1930s and its cultural environment; of equal value are pages dedicated to the Tashkent period; there are fascinating portrait characteristics of renowned workers of culture and their fellow-champions. The book is saturated with factual information presented by the observant and empathic companion.
In Russian language. |
Shukur Askarov, Temurid Architechture. Tashkent, 2009.
A monograph containing a very extensive list of reference literature presents an evolution of architectural masterpieces of Temurid dynasty. The work covers five centuries of the dynasty rule and traces the transition of Central Asia to the age of Renaissance and Reformation. For the first time the author explored not only “what” and “how”, but also “why this way” the Temurids built their remarkable building and cities in keeping with their changing mentality.
In Russian language.
Viktor Ivanovich Ufimtsev (Diaries, photographs, drawings, collages, painting). Moscow, 2009.
The publication presents diary notes and memoirs of painter V. Ufimtsev, interesting facts about reality and a kaleidoscope of events and happenings in the first three decades of the 20th century, as well as an extensive photo archive, and his remarkable Samarqand motifs. First time in print are the diaries and the pictures of the artist’s lost works, as well as a handmade collection titled “Futurists – Collection 1″ compiled and executed by V. Ufimtsev in 1921. This Collection was not seen even by experts who knew about its existence. The item also presents an album called “The Authographs” that remained an unknown fact in the biography of not only Ufimtsev, but also poets Leonid Martynov and Boris Zhezlov, writer Vsevolod Ivanov and composer Vissarion Shebalin.
In Russian language. |
E. V. Rtveladze. Civilizations, nations and Cultures of Central Asia. Tashkent, 2009
The book is dedicated to the interaction of cultures and religions of different countries on the Eurasian continent. The publication that earned the State Award of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the area of science and technology was complemented and prepared for publication in English language with support from the Forum for Culture and Art of Uzbekistan. The academic treatise covers aspects such as spiritual culture and migration of cultures, and the issues of the influence of Eastern civilizations upon the culture and art of the world.
In English language. |
Nodir Normatov. The Last Will of Ruzy Chariev. Tashkent, 2009.
The Essay-novel is dedicated to the life and art of the prominent master of brush, Academician and the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Ruzy Chariev. The publication is based on observations made during joint field trips, dialogues, and a complex process of creating pictures, as well as on letters and diaries from the artist’s archive.
In Uzbek language. |