Over the many centuries of its history the people of India created a unique art full of beauty and symbolism that produced a major influence upon the development of global art processes. The composition presented to the audience was dedicated to the importance of this influence and the reciprocal cultural exchange that is still ongoing.
The composition can be conventionally divided into three parts.
The first is the “Cradle of Wisdom”. Peculiarities of Indian culture, its ancient architecture and sculpture suggested a musical-plastic solution for the composition. Sculptures coming alive, as if they have walked down from the walls of ancient temples, showing their amazing plasticity – these were the dancers from the Motion Theatre “Lik” ["Image"] Anton Avrutskiy, Olga Ostanina, Victoria Gordienko and Yevgenia Zemtsova who captivated the audience.

Part two, “The Birth of Beauty”, is inspired by customs and musical traditions of Uzbek people. The dancers and students of the Motion Theatre “Lik” together with Fatkhulla Khojaev, the performer of the Republican Puppet Theatre, accompanied by fiery music, introduced the audience to the specificities of traditional Uzbek art.
And the final part, “On the Way to the Truth”, reflecting spiritual search for Love, Harmony and Truth in life of the man who comes to this world no matter where he was born, was a culmination that united the two cultures in their individuality and uniqueness.
The composition employed traditional music of India and Uzbekistan, of classic composers Bach, Liest and Nigrino, Uzbek composer Mustafo Bafoev, Indian composers and performers Ravi Shankar, ustad Zakir Khusein and French composers Henri Torgat and Serge Huppin.
The music and modern choreography of different styles told the story of searching for Truth, Wisdom and Love.
Performers: Adiba Sharipove (piano), Mustafo Bafoev (vocals), Kakhramon Bazarov (Kashgar Rhubab), Alisher Saifullaev (flute) and Stas Borisevich (percussion instruments).