July 5 – 21 CEH: The opening of a personal exhibition of a renowned artist Temurgalib Jamalutdinov, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, painter and graphic artist, who presented his best works in this exposition. |
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July 19 – 29 Tokyo (Japan): Exhibition titled “125 Years of Uzbek Photography” organized with the support from the Forum for Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Foundation. Photographs demonstrated at the exhibition introduced visitors not only to the photographic art development history, but also to the history of our country. The exposition displayed the works of well-known photographers from Uzbekistan, many of who have already become classics. |
July 28 – August 18 “Ancient Nakhshab – Modern Karshi” – this was the title of an exhibition dedicated to the 2700th anniversary of Karshi city, held at the THP. Among the organizers were the THP and the International Caravan-Sarai of Culture of the AAU, as well as the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan that provided archaeological exhibits, items of folk and decorative/applied art and photographs. |
July 8 CEH: The exhibition titled “The Great Silk Road: Traditions and Culture”, which introduced the inhabitants of Tashkent to the characteristic features specific of Korean fashion. The exhibition presented about 50 fashion designs created by the members of Designer Association of Korea. Fashion parade held at the time of the exhibition took place at the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre named after Alisher Navoi; and a symposium dedicated to the issues of fashion and design was held at the Republican College of Design. |
August 15 – 25 The 2nd Republican Festival of Traditional and Contemporary Art “Navkiron Uzbekiston 2006″ (Youth of Uzbekistan 2006), which is held with the support from the Forum for Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Foundation together with the AAU once in two years, took place at the CEH. The festival participants (aged 16-35) presented their works in the following areas: fine arts – painting, graphic art, sculpture, design, and creative photography; modern art – video-art, installation, and performance; traditional arts – ceramics, porcelain, chasing, wood painting, wood carving, plaster carving (ganch), textile, etc. The evaluation was carried out by competent jury that comprised experts in all kinds of art. The best works were marked with awards. |
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August 18 – September 10 At the THP the exhibition “Photography and Painting: Face to Face”, initiated by the THP and the international organization Restorers without Frontiers, demonstrated the works of renowned masters of painting and photography. Among them are V. Vyatkin, V. Chub, M. Bogatyryov, V. Gan and L. Kuranov. |
August 18 – September 10 The THP hosted an exhibition and presentation of album “Langar. Abode and People”, dedicated to the 2700th anniversary of Karshi city. The exhibition displayed about 70 photographs taken during an expedition to the holy place, which was organized by Professor T. Kuziev. The exposition was complemented by items of folk and decorative/applied art, as well as carpets, artistic embroidery, ceramics and toys provided by the Art Exhibition Directorate with assistance from the Karshi branch of the Business Women Association of Uzbekistan. |
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September 12 – October 12 The FAG housed an exhibition of graphic art of a renowned German-French Dada artist and surrealist Max Ernst (this issue of the journal contains more detailed account of the exhibition). |
September 20 A memorial in honour of the 120th anniversary of a famous Uzbek artist A. N. Volkov was unveiled in Tashkent, on Afrosiab Street; the ceremony was organized with support from the Forum for Culture and Art of Uzbekistan Foundation. The author of the memorial bust is Uzbek sculptor D. Ruzybaev. |
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September 20 – October 20 The Ikuo Hiroyama International Caravan-Sarai of Culture in Tashkent housed personal exhibition called “Wanderings, which demonstrated works of a young but already known artist from Uzbekistan Dilarom Mamedova. Her landscapes show the artist’s loving attitude to the nature of her native land. |
September 20 – November 30 The Galleev-Gallery in Moscow was the venue of a successful exhibition of Maks Penson, a well-known photographer and a classic of Uzbek photography. His name and artistic heritage became known worldwide after triumphant exhibitions in France, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, Russia and Uzbekistan. The exhibition prepared by the Galeev-Gallery, which included a large number of new, unknown before photographs, was a revelation in many ways. |
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September 21 – October 10 The THP was the venue of a personal exhibition of creative photography by Teodor Radu Pantea (Romania). It was organized by the AAU and the THP with assistance from Romanian Embassy in Uzbekistan. The exhibition presented more than 45 works. The personal exhibition of Teodor Radu Pantea was accompanied by express-display of works of young photographers, which was compiled based on the results of a master-class conducted by the Romanian master immediately after his arrival to Uzbekistan. Among the participants were the students of the Tashkent State Institute of Arts named after M. Uygur and the students of a training photography studio at the THP, namely T. Karpov, P. Kim, R. Mukhitdinov, Y. Nasurdinova, Y. Plakina, N. Pilipyuk, P. Stalbovskiy, S. Shatulyaganov and others. |
September 25 – October 8 The THP housed an exhibition called “Clear-Eyed” organized by the Victor Hugo French Cultural Centre and the THP with support from the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan. The exposition consisted of two sections: - The results of “Step by Steppe” photographic workshop operations in Bukhara (June) performed jointly with the Bukhara Centre for Creative Photography Development; the participants were the young inhabitants of Bukhara. They created their works during an expedition organized by Mais-Loin Bassot and Tibot Forese Fustel de Culange (www.stepbystepp.com); – “Collection of the I. V. Savitskiy State Art Museum of Karakalpakstan as Seen by Students”, where the students of the Karakalpak Pedagogical Institute, Arts College and Lyceum of Nukus city created paintings inspired by works from the Savitskiy Museum collection (http://pb.freenet.uz). |
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October 9 – 13 During the Days of Culture of the Republic of Korea in Uzbekistan, the CEH housed an exhibition of fine and photographic art; the participants included both Uzbek artists and artists who represent Korean diaspora in Uzbekistan. |
October 10 – 25 The lobby of Ilkhom Theatre was the venue for the exhibition of a famous Uzbek artist Usto Mumin (Aleksandr Nikolaev), which demonstrated his finest works from the collections of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan and the I. V. Savitskiy State Art Museum of Karakalpakstan, as well as photographs of his works kept in the collection of the State Museum of Arts of Oriental Nations (Moscow), the sights of old Tashkent. The theatre showed a first night performance of a play called “Zeal with Pomegranate” dedicated to the artist. The project was timed to mark the 110th anniversary of Usto Mumin’s birthday. |
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October 17 – November 17 Big success was the personal exhibition of the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan, Academician of the AAU Javlon Umarbekov, dedicated to his 60th anniversary, which was held at the FAG. Large retrospective exhibition presented graphic works and paintings of different periods. Now many of them are part of the Uzbekistan State Museum of Arts collection and private collections, and were graciously provided for the exhibition. |
October 18 – 31 A personal exhibition of a renowned Uzbek artist and pedagogue Akmal Jamalov held at the CEH displayed about 300 paintings. Jamalov participated in numerous exhibitions, and unique mountain landscapes are the main subject of his works. |
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October 27 – November 11 Personal exhibition of a young artist Dilshod Eshmatov was demonstrated at the Ikuo Hiroyama International Caravan-Sarai of Culture in Tashkent. Many paintings by this artist are already part of museum and private collections. |
November 2-12 The CEH of the AAU housed an exhibition of the Zulfia Award laureates titled “The Symbols of Our Future”. Eleven female participants demonstrated their skills in such domains of art as graphics, painting, embroidery, macram?, design and fashion design. |
November 2-12 The pictures of a young but already well-known artist Takhir Karomov were displayed in the lobby of Ilkhom Theatre. Vivid images, mysterious thoughtfulness of his characters, the use of a peculiar colour palette and the choice of material make the works of this artist unforgettable. |
November 14-21 The CCA of the AAU was the venue for an international modern art exhibition called “Caravan-Sarai: Tashkent Station”. It was organized by the AAU Art Exhibitions Directorate, the French Cultural Centre named after Victor Hugo run by French Embassy in Uzbekistan, and the “Caravan-Sarai” international art movement (France). Exhibition curators: Shalva Khakhanashvili (France) and Nigora Akhmedova (Uzbekistan). 45 artists from 15 countries participated in the exhibition, presenting about 100 works: photographs, installations and pieces of video-art. |
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November 22-30 The anniversary exhibition of an artist and professor Gafur Abdurakhmanov, scheduled to mark his 70th birthday was held at the CEH. This personal exhibition made it possible to trace the artistic path of the artist and his quest in painting. Abdurakhmanov works in the genres of portrait and still-life, but his primary genre is landscape where he glorifies the beauty of Uzbekistan and its amazing nature. |
A new private art gallery “Renaissance” has opened in Tashkent; its exposition presents the works of contemporary artists of Uzbekistan, such as F. Akhmadaliev, L. Ibragimov, Y. Chernyshev, R. Akhmedov, J. Usmanov, J. Rakhmani, Sh. Khakimov, A. Nur, R. Shodiev, G. Kadyrov, etc. |
- AAU – The Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
- CEH – Central Exhibition Hall of the AAU
- CCA – Centre of Contemporary Art
- THP – Tashkent House of Photography
- FAG – Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan
The material was prepared by Luiza Salikhova.