March 31 – April 18
The personal exhibition of the national artist of Uzbekistan A. Nur “The way to oneself” was held at CMA. Devoted to the artist’s mother and a theme of motherhood in general, at the same time, the exhibition reflected spiritual searches of the author, his aspiration to understand essence of the life. The exposition included 61 pictures and 2 installations.
April 5 – 31
The exhibition of caricature “Askiya – 2004″ was held at CEH. More than one hundred humorous drawings (Indian ink, aquarelle and computer graphics) performed by sixteen artists formed the exposition of this traditional vernissage.
April 9 – 23
Artistically made porcelain works by R. Gazalieva were exposed at her first personal exhibition at CMA. Open Society Institute – Uzbekistan gave a support to organization of this exhibition.
April 21 – May 12
At CEH was held the exhibition of Damir Ruzibaev and his son Malik of 6. Among fifty works there were sculptures of the skilled master and touching pictures of little talented artist.
April 21 – May 21
At CEH was held the program devoted to the Day of Artist, which first was celebrated by creative intelligentsia last year. The program included the exhibition “I” presenting three hundred works: sculpture, painting, ceramics, graphics, jewelry and tapestry.
April 28 – May 2
At CMA were exposed lithographs of famous English sculptor Henry Mur. The exhibition was supported by the British Council in Uzbekistan within the program of IX International festival of modern music “Ilkhom – IX”.
April 27 – May 27
The personal exhibition of photo artist Tursun Ali “Recollection of the future” was held at CMA. It exposed more than fifty monochromic photos taken at such famous historical monuments of Egypt, as Karnak and Luxor temples, Valley of Pharaohs, Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and the great Nile. The exhibition was organized through agency of Embassy ARE in Uzbekistan and the Egyptian Center of Science and Education, which kindly gave copies of ancient sculptures.
April 30
At CEH was held the presentation of Catalogue “Oriental Miniatures”, Volumes I and II published through the agency of the National Commission for UNESCO. The exhibition of works from the collection of Memorial museum of. K. Bihzad was held in a line with the presentation.
April 30
The exhibition devoted to accidence of new countries to the European Community was held at the International Culture Caravanserai of Ikuo Hiroyama. It exposed 250 photo works concerning history, culture, traditions and nature of the states, becoming members of EC on May 1, 2004.
May 2 – 7
The exhibition “Present” within the program of the festival “Peace and understanding – 2004″ was held at CEH. Its curator was Liza Ahmadi (USA), the author of many projects. The exhibition presented video art works of sixteen artists from eight countries.
May 4 – 18
The personal exhibition of Yanis Salpinkidi at CEH exposed about one hundred thirty works. The exhibition was devoted to the 60th – anniversary of the famous artist and 40th – anniversary of his art activity.
May 6 – 31
At CMA, in a cyclus “Our heritage” – artists of Uzbekistan,, was held the exhibition and evening of memory devoted to famous Uzbek artist Zakir Inogamov. The exhibition devoted to the 85th – anniversary of the artist exposed about one hundred works.
May 12 – 30
The exhibition of ceramic plates “Hymn to the Sun” was held at S. Yesenin’s museum. Seven artists took part in the exhibition: Vahidova G. S., Abdurahmanova Nasiba and Nadira, Mazurenko Nikita and Olga, Trudolyubova Т. and Logvinenko, presenting two hundred works devoted to history of culture and art of ancient Egypt and Greece, China, Japan, India and Central Asia.
May 12 – 22
At CEH was held the personal exhibition of Abduvali Muminov, which exposed about fifty works.
May 17 – 27
At CEH was held the personal anniversary exhibition of Svetlana Jmakina, becoming a result of multiyear work and difficult creative searches. Favourite genres of the artist are still – life and landscape. The exhibition exposed about sixty works.
May 18 – June 18
At CMA was held the exhibition “Time and people”, devoted to the life and art of outstanding artists of Uzbekistan: Tamara Hanum, Mukarram Turgunbaeva, Yunus Radjabi and Muhtar Ashrafi. For the first time, at CMA were exposed materials from four memorial museums of the best Uzbekistan artists, which stood at sources of the Uzbek dance, music and theatre. In a line with the exhibition were arranged evenings of memory with participation of famous ensembles and musicians.
May 19 – June 1
“Reflection in darkness” – the exhibition of photo works done by the blind was organized by THPh at CMA. The exhibition exposed works of pupils from Tashkent specialized school for blind children and employees from the Republican central library for the blind. The project was developed by V. Jirnov, A. Raevsky and O. Soldatov.
May 19
The evening of memory devoted to the 100 – anniversary of George Nikolaevich Chabrov, a remarkable teacher, archivist, art critic and bibliognost was held at CMA.
May 27
“38th latitude – horizon” – a project of preparation of the exhibition devoted to forthcoming summer Olympic games 2004 in Athens. Young talented artists and sculptors from the countries located on 38th latitude (Greece, USA, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, China and Japan) took part in this project. Uzbekistan was represented by Elena Kambina having performed installation in the garden of Scironio Museum. E. Kambina was sponsored by Chirchik hokimiyat.
June 1 – June 15
At CEH, under aegis of Fund “Soglom avlod uchun”, was held the republican competition of talented children “Peace to the Earth”, devoted to the International Children Day. The action was participated by Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of Committee of Uzbekistan women S. Inamova.
June 1 – 10
At CMA was held the personal exhibition of Oksana Berditskaya of 12 “I draw in plasticine”. The exhibition exposed the works done in original art technique – appliques from coloured plasticine. Despite her tender age, the artist is a winner of many competitions. Her works are highly estimated by professionals.
June 3 – 15
The exhibition of Leila Baikenova devoted to the International Children Day was held at S. Yesenin’s museum. It exposed about thirty works of the young artist. Leila has already won numerous diplomas, medals, certificates and special prizes. Her name is registered in the Honour Book of the talented youth “The 21st century”.
June 4 – 14
At CEH was held the personal exhibition of Murat Umarov from Andijan devoted to his 50th – anniversary. The exhibition presented about one hundred works.
June 11 – July 1
At THPh, within a program of Days of
Chinese Culture in Uzbekistan was held the exhibition “China in Photos” presenting fourty works of Chinese photo artists, devoted to various modern themes and history of the country, including the Great Chinese wall, Buddhist temples, nature, sports and scenes from a daily life of ordinary people, etc. The artists from China demonstrated various techniques of photographing, huge arsenal of expressive means – collage, computer design, etc. Opening ceremony was participated by the delegation of Chinese Association of Photographers headed by Mr. Lo Gantsang.
June 14
“Salvador Dali. Ural Tansikbaev. XX century. Contrasts” – the exhibition held at CMA exposing lithographs and pictures, devoted to the 100 – anniversary of these famous artists.
June 21 – July 5
The exhibition of the artist and teacher, Hikmat Rakhmonov from a cyclus “Our heritage” – artists of Uzbekistan, devoted to the 90th – anniversary and evening of memory were held at CMA. The exposition was formed with the works from AED’s collection and private collections.
AA Uz – the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
CEH – Central Exhibition Hall
CMA – Center of Modern Art
THPh – Tashkent House of Phototograph
AED – Art Exhibitions Direction